This is your student government

This is your Department Association.

Department Associations

Department Associations represent and provide services to all students enrolled in their department. Many of them also include members who take courses in their department, or who are interested in the subject matter their department covers. Their activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Representing their students to their Department, Faculty Association, and the Students’ Union
  • Coordinating social events; and
  • Providing services.

Each Department Association is unique in its innate understanding of the issues and concerns that affect the students in that Department. Their relatively small size and the tight-knit communities they create give them a level of reach and involvement with their members that Faculty Associations and the Students’ Union often find it difficult to achieve. As such, they play a highly important role in advocacy and community-building on campus.

Check your Faculty Association or Bears Den to find information about your Department Association.

Startup Info for Department Associations

Contact Your Faculty Association

Some Faculty Associations require financial reports, provide grants, or have regular meetings of all Department Associations in the faculty. If you haven’t contacted your Faculty Association yet, do so as soon as possible.

Student Group Registration

Don't forget to re-register your Department Association as a student group with Student Group Services. Information about re-registration will be emailed out by Student Group Services.

Department Association Handbook

Discover Governance has created a handbook for Department Associations. It was designed to help Department Association (DA) executives who got little to no transition or training get on their feet and figure out their positions, but it could be helpful to any DA looking for transition materials or instruction manuals for their work.

If you have any comments, questions, or constructive feedback, we would love to hear it! Please contact the Governance Team at

Here is the Department Association Handbook for your reference.