Wide shot of the Council Chambers during a Students' Council meeting.

This is your leadership

These are our committees.

Committees & Boards

The Students' Union is governed by Students' Council; to aid Students' Council, there are a number of boards and committees that review issues in depth and provide recommendations for action to Council. Council has created a number of standing committees and boards to assist it in its work. While there are other committees in the Students' Union established by the Executive Committee or staff, standing committees exist exclusively to carry out the business of Students' Council. As such, they consist mostly of elected members of Students' Council or representatives delegated by Students' Council. These committees allow Students' Council to greatly expand the amount of business it can deal with by carrying out delegated activities and refining suggested action items taken to Council.

The Students' Union is committed to open, transparent governance, and records of its proceedings are public. Where records are not available, it is usually due to privacy issues. Please note that meeting minutes are not posted until approved, which generally occurs at the subsequent meeting. Therefore some recent minutes will not yet be listed.

Masked students gathered around a conference room for a committee meeting.

Our committees

The Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation Committee (ARRC) is composed of seven voting members from Students' Council and the Indigenous Students' Union (ISU), three First Nations, Métis, and/or Inuit (FNMI) students at large, and other important stakeholders in aboriginal relations at the U of A. It acts as a link between Students' Council and FNMI students, and assists in the UASU's implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. 

Committee Membership

  • Layla Alhussainy
  • Renson Alva
  • Angelina Botros
  • Adrien Lam
  • Angelina Raina

Reference Documents

The Audit Committee is composed of five non-executive voting members of Students' Council The committee is responsible for reviewing all Students' Union and Student Group financial statements, credit card expenditures, election results and alterations to the Students' Union budget. The committee is empowered to investigate any inappropriate transactions.

Committee Membership

  • Nathan Thiessen (Chair)
  • Joachim Bony
  • Michael Chang
  • Owen Pasay

Reference Documents

The Bylaw Committee is composed of five voting members of Students' Council. The committee is responsible for drafting bylaws and referendum/plebiscite questions as required by Students' Council. The committee may also make recommendations on bylaws to Students' Council.

Committee Membership

  • Owen Pasay (Chair)
  • Angelina Botros
  • Levi Flaman
  • Nate Goetz
  • Nathan Thiessen
  • Marc Dumouchel (General Manager, Non-voting)

Reference Documents

The Council Administration Committee (CAC) is composed of five voting members of Students' Council as permanent committee members. Please note that all voting members of Students' Council (excluding proxies) are considered voting members of the committee. The committee has the power to amend Standing Orders of Students' Council and may make recommendations to Students' Council on its structure and committees. The committee oversees both the Speaker of Students' Council and the Chief Returning Officer and is the main administration force of Students' Council. 

All voting members of Students' Council are also voting members of the Council Administration Committee.

Permanent Committee Membership

  • Michael Chang (Chair)
  • Abdul Abbasi
  • Nate Goetz
  • Katie Tamsett
  • Nathan Thiessen

Reference Documents

The Discipline, Interpretation, and Enforcement Board (DIE Board) is the 'court' of the Students' Union, responsible for interpreting and enforcing the Bylaws of the Students' Union. It meets only as required. DIE Board is often required to meet during elections to rule on challenges to the decisions of the Chief Returning Officer (CRO). It is important to note that the as the judiciary of the Students' Union, the Discipline, Interpretation and Enforcement (DIE) Board is made up of appointed, non-elected officials to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain judicial independence.

Board Membership:

  • Hiba Khan (Chief Tribune)
  • Leighten Janzen (Associate Chief Tribune)
  • Prisha Sarna (Tribune)
  • Kamryn Wiest (Tribune)
  • Edward Munroe (Tribune)
  • Alicia Revington (Tribune)
  • Yaatheshini Ashok Kumar (Tribune)
  • Sheroz Hamid (Tribune)

Under Bylaw 140, the DIE Board must be provided with necessary administrative support. A UASU Governance staff member is assigned to serve as DIE Board Registrar. This individual distributes form letters, assists with scheduling and record-keeping, and disseminates DIE Board decisions, but is not involved in any DIE Board deliberations. It is important that all DIE Board matters are kept at arm's length from the rest of the UASU.

More information about the DIE Board

The Executive Committee, composed of the President, the four Vice-Presidents, and the General Manager (non-voting), are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the Students' Union and coordinating its longer-term strategy. The Executive Committee has broad powers of recommendation to Students' Council and may act in place of other committees should the other committees not be able to do so.

Committee Membership

  • Lisa Glock — President
  • Layla Alhussainy — VP Academic
  • Abdul Abbasi — VP External
  • Levi Flaman — VP Operations & Finance
  • Renson Alva — VP Student Life
  • Marc Dumouchel — General Manager (Non-voting)

The Finance Committee is composed of five voting members of Students' Council, two voting students-at-large, as well as non-voting members from several stakeholder groups. The committee is responsible for developing policy and disbursing grants from numerous funds including student group funds and the Access Fund. The committee also oversees the Students' Union awards program, recommends the annual operating budget of the Students' Union to Students' Council, as required by Students' Union legislation, and makes recommendations on alterations to the budget.

Committee Membership

  • Levi Flaman (Chair)
  • Renson Alva
  • Joachim Bony
  • Owen Pasay
  • Angelina Raina
  • Marc Dumouchel (General Manager, Non-voting)

Reference Documents

The Policy Committee is composed of four voting members of Students' Council, two voting students-at-large, the Vice President (Academic), the Vice President (External) and the Vice President (Student Life). The committee makes recommendations to Students' Council on Students' Union political policies, which guide the advocacy efforts of the UASU’s executives and Student Representative Associations (SRAs).

Committee Membership

  • Nate Goetz (Chair)
  • Abdul Abbasi
  • Layla Alhussainy
  • Renson Alva
  • Joachim Bony
  • Precious Majekodunmi
  • Nathan Thiessen

Reference Documents

Committee Standing Orders

The rules and regulations governing how committees are run.

Learn more

Archived Committee Minutes

Historical minutes and agendas.

Find them here